Hoy Zeyn
Hoy Zeyn
  • Видео 380
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9. 奇门遁甲空亡和驿马
甲子---乙丑---丙寅---丁卯---戊辰---己巳---庚午---辛未---壬申---癸酉 (遇)戌 亥
甲戌---乙亥---丙子---丁丑---戊寅---己卯---庚辰---辛巳---壬午---癸未 (遇)申 酉
甲申---乙酉---丙戌---丁亥---戊子---己丑---庚寅---辛卯---壬辰---癸巳 (遇)午 未
甲午---乙未---丙申---丁酉---戊戌---己亥---庚子---辛丑---壬寅---癸卯 (遇)辰 巳
甲辰---乙巳---丙午---丁未---戊申---己酉---庚戌---辛亥---壬子---癸丑 (遇)寅 卯
甲寅---乙卯---丙辰---丁巳---戊午---己未---庚申---辛酉---壬戌---癸亥 (遇)子 丑
Просмотров: 26


9. 奇門遁甲の空亡&驛馬
Просмотров 1214 дней назад
空亡 甲子 乙丑 丙寅 丁卯 戊辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉 (遇)戌 亥 甲戌 乙亥 丙子 丁丑 戊寅 己卯 庚辰 辛巳 壬午 癸未 (遇)申 酉 甲申 乙酉 丙戌 丁亥 戊子 己丑 庚寅 辛卯 壬辰 癸巳 (遇)午 未 甲午 乙未 丙申 丁酉 戊戌 己亥 庚子 辛丑 壬寅 癸卯 (遇)辰 巳 甲辰 乙巳 丙午 丁未 戊申 己酉 庚戌 辛亥 壬子 癸丑 (遇)寅 卯 甲寅 乙卯 丙辰 丁巳 戊午 己未 庚申 辛酉 壬戌 癸亥 (遇)子 丑 申子辰馬在寅,寅午戌馬在申,巳酉醜馬在亥,亥卯未馬在巳 數據下載: github.com/hoycch/qimen-v3
8. 奇门遁甲八门克应,三奇得使择时
Просмотров 2721 день назад
择时可以按用事所需要的门择时 一般会用三吉门开休生 有些凶门落吉宫也可以产生吉的效果 三奇得使: 乙落离,乾宫 丙落坎,坤宫 丁落巽,艮宫
8. 奇門遁甲の八門剋應&用門/三奇得使擇日
Просмотров 9321 день назад
八門臨宮 - 三吉門: 開休生 凶門加吉門可以得到吉結果 三奇得使 乙落離、乾宮 丙落坎、坤宮 丁落巽、艮宮
7. 奇门遁甲十二长生与其算式表达
Просмотров 39Месяц назад
日干和时干进入八宫会产生十二长生,可以判断 何事所在的阶段 十二长生分别是长生,沐浴,管带,临冠,帝旺,衰,病,死,墓,绝,胎,养 阳天干顺排,阴天干逆排 天干与自己阴阳相异的同属五行宫位达到帝旺,独有戊己从丙丁
7. 奇門遁甲の十二長生
Просмотров 14Месяц назад
日干和時干與入宮會產生十二長生。可以判段人或事所處階段 十二長生分別為長生, 沐浴, 冠帶, 臨官, 帝旺, 衰, 病, 死, 墓, 絕, 胎, 養 陽天干順排, 陰天干逆排 天干於自己陰陽相異同屬五行宮位達到帝旺, 惟獨戊己從丙丁
6. 奇门遁甲六仪击刑推导,和冲破害刑excel算式表达
Просмотров 45Месяц назад
天干地支除了生克以外,还有和冲关系 天干相沖: 兩干相差5 天干相合: 兩干相差6 地支相合: 兩支相差3 地支相沖: 兩支相差6 相破: 單數向先3位, 雙數向後3位 相害: 兩數對加=9 無禮/恩之刑, 相差3 的確, 相合, 相害, 相沖, 相破有重疊, 代表概愛又恨的關係 六儀擊刑特指六儀刑宫的情況 推导过程是把天盘的天干化作旬首找到地支,再对比天干落宫所属的地支。 数据下载:github.com/hoycch/qimen-v3
6. 奇門遁甲の六儀擊刑 & 合沖破害刑數據表達
Просмотров 44Месяц назад
各天 天干 相沖: 兩干相差5 相合: 兩干相差6 地支相合: 兩支相差3 地支相沖: 兩支相差6 相破: 單數向先3位, 雙數向後3位 相害: 兩數對加=9 無禮/恩之刑, 相差3 的確, 相合, 相害, 相沖, 相破有重疊, 代表概愛又恨的關係 六儀擊刑特指六儀帶支被十二方位刑的情況 數據下載: github.com/hoycch/qimen-v3
5. 奇门遁甲的主客分析与其择日
Просмотров 35Месяц назад
ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=340254 遁甲演绎原文 遁甲利客 經日:天盤星剋地盤星,在四時旺相日時,有本方五色雲氣在其方來助,則客勝也。地盤星克天盤星,在四時旺相日時,有各方五色雲氣在其方來助,則主勝也。 天蓬加九宮利為客,若在秋冬之月壬癸亥子日臨戰,有黑色雲 氣從北方來助戰,客大勝。 天柱天心加三宮四宮,利以為客。若在秋月及季夏之月庚申辛酉日臨戰,有白氣雲色從西方來助戰,大勝。 天 天禽天芮加一宮,利以為客。若在四季月戊己辰戌丑未日,有黃雲氣從東北來助戰,客大勝。 天英加七宮,利以為客。若在春夏月丙丁巳午日,有赤雲氣從南方來助戰者,客勝。 利主利客背后原理 值符克克落宫利客,被克则利主 查看利主客的方法:把鼠标放在值符上便会显示 切换到择日版面,可选择未来4星期内的利主利客时间 数据刚搬家,可到以下链接下载和使用 github.com/ho...
5. 奇門遁甲の主客分析及擇日
Просмотров 23Месяц назад
遁門原文參見 ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=340254 42 遁甲利客 43 經日:天盤星剋地盤星,在四時旺相日時,有本方五色雲氣在其方來助,則客勝也。地盤星克天盤星,在四時旺相日時,有各方五色雲氣在其方來助,則主勝也。 44 天蓬加九宮利為客,若在秋冬之月壬癸亥子日臨戰,有黑色雲 45 氣從北方來助戰,客大勝。 46 天柱天心加三宮四宮,利以為客。若在秋月及季夏之月庚申辛酉日臨戰,有白氣雲色從西方來助戰,大勝。 47 天 天禽天芮加一宮,利以為客。若在四季月戊己辰戌丑未日,有黃雲氣從東北來助戰,客大勝。 48 天英加七宮,利以為客。若在春夏月丙丁巳午日,有赤雲氣從南方來助戰者,客勝。 原理: 值符五行剋宮利客 宮五行剋值符利主 放滑鼠於值符上會顯示主客分析 選取主客擇面版面可一覽未來一個月利主或利客日子及時辰 數據搬屋 下載請移步 github...
4. 奇門遁甲真的有1080盘吗?
Просмотров 8Месяц назад
奇門遁甲真的有1080盘吗? 1080盘的由来 (阳9局 阴9局) x 60时辰 = 1080 结论 奇门遁甲一共有1046个独一无二的盘,有34个是重复的 每局都有最少1各盘是重复的 重复可多达2次, 出現在陽9局或陰7局 一盤重覆盤都是伏吟 甲寅時和癸亥時必然重復 其余重复盘如下 1局 甲寅&癸 亥 己未&壬戌 2局 甲寅&癸亥 戊午&辛酉 3局 甲申&庚寅 甲寅&癸亥 4局 甲寅&癸亥 丙辰&己未 5局 甲寅&癸亥 6局 甲寅&癸亥 7局 甲寅&癸亥 丙辰&壬戌 8局 甲午&丁酉 甲寅&癸亥 9局 甲寅&庚申&癸亥 甲申&癸巳 -1局 甲寅&癸亥 -2局 甲寅&癸亥 -3局 甲寅&癸亥 丙辰&己未 -4局 甲申&庚寅 甲寅&癸亥 -5局 戊午&辛酉 甲寅&癸亥 -6局 甲寅&癸亥 己未&壬戌 -7局 甲申&癸巳 甲寅&庚申&癸亥 -8局 甲午&丁酉 甲寅&癸亥 -9局 甲寅&癸...
4. 奇門遁甲真係有1080盤咁多嗎?
Просмотров 41Месяц назад
結論 奇門遁甲有1046盤, 34盤重覆 每局都有重覆 每局最少1個盤重 重覆可多達2次, 出現在陽9局或陰7局 一盤重覆盤都是伏吟 甲寅時和癸亥時必然重復 最多重覆盤時辰為甲寅時及癸亥時
3. 奇门遁甲排盘系统之五行分析
Просмотров 55Месяц назад
本集视频内容有 系统玄日选项更新 - 子年到亥年每12年生成1选项 五行分析 日干和时干落宫相互生克影响结果 日干代表求测者 时干代表事情 日干比时干:事情发展较快,容易办 日干克时干:事情在掌握之中,需要自己操控 日干生时干:事情办起来耗费大,需要自己付出 时干生日干:事情堆求测人有利,容易办 时干克日干,事情对求测人不利,麻烦不好办,有阻碍 宫位生克效能会因为所在季节而旺相休囚死,受影响 数据下载:github.com/hoycch/qimen-excel.git 五行生克详细教学: ruclips.net/video/eTkelGK_xsA/видео.html
3. 奇門遁甲排盤系統の五行分析
Просмотров 57Месяц назад
1. 系統更新 加入合拼12年為一時間選項 2. 加入五行分析 日干落宮和時干落宮生剋關係作出判斷 日干代表求測者 時干代表事情本身 日干比時干:事情發展較快,容易辦 日干剋時干:事情在掌握之中,需要自己操控。 日干生時干:事情辦起來耗費大,需要自己付出。 時干生日干:事情對求測人有利,容易辦 時干剋日干:事情對求測人不利,麻煩不好辦,有阻礙。 宮位生剋效能會因為所在季節而旺相休因死,影響其效能 數據下載網址 github.com/hoycch/qimen-excel.git 五行生剋教學可參考以下視頻 ruclips.net/video/eTkelGK_xsA/видео.html
2. 奇门遁甲阴阳分析&1080局数据免费公开
Просмотров 49Месяц назад
本视频内容参考九逸老师视频制作,详细请访问: ruclips.net/video/cnpTeEUYcVg/видео.html 数据下载: github.com/hoycch/qimen-excel Power BI下载: www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/download/details.aspx?id=58494
2. 奇門遁甲の陰陽分析 - 1080局數據開源
Просмотров 50Месяц назад
2. 奇門遁甲の陰陽分析 - 1080局數據開源
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  • @AlanReeve-r2s
    @AlanReeve-r2s 14 часов назад

    ❤ good I like it

  • @jasoncohen2930
    @jasoncohen2930 День назад

    Almost as good as key and peele

  • @stevesilverman3505
    @stevesilverman3505 2 дня назад

    Was this before Takata's airbag recall?

  • @NiceButtTVx
    @NiceButtTVx 3 дня назад

    Mmmm.. Sam likes to get butt naked 🍑😊

  • @CutterOfGems
    @CutterOfGems 3 дня назад

    I'm sure the neighbors can hear it and don't appreciate your untrained dogs howling and whining all day.

  • @jameswest8280
    @jameswest8280 3 дня назад

    The average length of an erect penis is 5 inches. 1/16 inch is probably small.

  • @user-kw7zr7hj4r
    @user-kw7zr7hj4r 4 дня назад


  • @Totov-s2e
    @Totov-s2e 4 дня назад

    The boys should stop covering up

    @THELONESTARSTATE1776 5 дней назад

    5 is Average 📈 This woman sounds like she has a bottomless pit between her legs

  • @camptube7621
    @camptube7621 9 дней назад

    10 years on. You can still get plates off eBay 😂

  • @enki0047
    @enki0047 9 дней назад

    The way she laughed.... This is why I'm going to kill myself I'm sick of being humiliated, I'm 31 I've always been alone and to make things worse I'm also autistic so basically I have everything people don't want. I cant wait for the end, I'm disgusted by my own body, I look like a child.... Nature is fu*** cruel

    • @chelseafc8610
      @chelseafc8610 3 дня назад

      Take it easy bro im small too fk the haters

    • @kamashi7960
      @kamashi7960 День назад

      So do I as well, and I have a pot belly as well. Sex isn't everything Buddy. Don't end yourself. You're not alone. There is much more to life that you can create and explore. God bless you soldier.

    • @chelseafc8610
      @chelseafc8610 10 часов назад

      @@kamashi7960 whats a pot belly may i ask?

    • @kamashi7960
      @kamashi7960 8 часов назад

      @@chelseafc8610 I am skinny fat. Big stomach with tiny hands. I look very skinny until I sit down, because when I sit down you can see stretch marks of fat. (Trust me it looks odd)

    • @chelseafc8610
      @chelseafc8610 6 часов назад

      @@kamashi7960 oh to me i dont mind it, don't feel sad about it you are beautiful in your own way🙂 trust me im someone who have had friends that have been laughed at for what you have described

  • @Baccou
    @Baccou 11 дней назад

    Why not have girls take it in the butt first before determining size.

  • @stuarthanna-ih9lt
    @stuarthanna-ih9lt 11 дней назад

    I remember seeing this documentary years ago, full of blackpills

  • @danm.9045
    @danm.9045 11 дней назад

    5:52 hotdog man 🌭

  • @dannyozuna
    @dannyozuna 12 дней назад

    Everything has a harmonic frequency.

  • @allanjohnson1854
    @allanjohnson1854 12 дней назад

    Think of the neighbours listening to this racket

  • @mistertwisty1693
    @mistertwisty1693 13 дней назад

    I like the subtle visual humor in those drawings

  • @AudelonQarri
    @AudelonQarri 13 дней назад


  • @BearbearbearbearbearbearRarrrr
    @BearbearbearbearbearbearRarrrr 17 дней назад

    Yes please

  • @Samsunga31S-sv6to
    @Samsunga31S-sv6to 19 дней назад

    5 inches is not small but stamina matters 😂 there have of 6 to 10 12 inches they do not have stamina😂😂 this girl is mad

  • @Doctor_PDFile
    @Doctor_PDFile 20 дней назад

    I will start this religion belief in my own country

  • @shayrodriguez6237
    @shayrodriguez6237 20 дней назад

    They didn't put them to sleep for the treatment and do they bleed

  • @00Theotto
    @00Theotto 20 дней назад

    What happend to Xenu and his Empire after that?

  • @CeceBloom-by3io
    @CeceBloom-by3io 21 день назад

    Ahhh, so magnets are shark's kryptonite 🤔🦈🧲

  • @DominickGiammarinoAZ
    @DominickGiammarinoAZ 21 день назад

    I think I was 4 to 5 in when I was 10

  • @ardiherbasuki786
    @ardiherbasuki786 22 дня назад

    Ono ono wae .... Wong edan 😂😂😂😂

  • @philmstud2k
    @philmstud2k 22 дня назад

    She said 4-5 inches is "really small", with 5 inches being exactly or slightly below the average length. Fellas, unless you're in the top 10% of 6.75" or larger, you're not safe.

  • @skyhi9h
    @skyhi9h 22 дня назад

    4 is average. 5 is kinda big. They even never seen anything bigger than 6 even in internet. Camera angles and big lenses do the trick. You can be huge online. Guys believe in yourself.

    • @chelseafc8610
      @chelseafc8610 3 дня назад

      I think us small guys believe in sucide more

    • @skyhi9h
      @skyhi9h 3 дня назад

      @@chelseafc8610 You are growing your whole life so ots definitely bigger year by year so dont hurry your cemetery vacation.

  • @NaveedKhan-tp3rh
    @NaveedKhan-tp3rh 23 дня назад

    It's good and safe if possible number plate makers can check the v5 before making the number plates..

  • @NaveedKhan-tp3rh
    @NaveedKhan-tp3rh 23 дня назад

    This is insane...scum bags don't care about other people's life...they just want money

  • @zetecrv10
    @zetecrv10 24 дня назад

    genuine BMW wheels are rubbish and are always cracking. I bought a copy set for my 5 series after three of the four original wheels cracked. That was three years ago. Still all good !!!

  • @user-cc1or9mv4l
    @user-cc1or9mv4l 25 дней назад


  • @christopher9727
    @christopher9727 25 дней назад

    .. . Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Come to Jesus Christ today Jesus Christ is only way to heaven Repent and follow him today seek his heart Jesus Christ can fill the emptiness he can fill the void Heaven and hell is real cone to the loving savior today Today is the day of salvation tomorrow might be to late come to the loving savior today John 3:16-21 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. 20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. 21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. Mark 1.15 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Hebrews 11:6 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Jesus

  • @ajayempee
    @ajayempee 25 дней назад

    Nice. Thanks for the explanation 👍🏻

  • @needvacation7928
    @needvacation7928 25 дней назад

    Anyone 2024?

  • @simonspider
    @simonspider 26 дней назад

    Thing is on child support payments: the child gets EXACTLY the same help regardless of whether the father pays in or not, FUCK ALL! I know this as I have experienced this first hand, father pays in £80 a week, child gets £10 MAXIMUM, it's all a load of bollocks!

  • @simonspider
    @simonspider 26 дней назад

    BMW specced some pretty low quality, rock-bottom quality crappy wheels to start with, god knows how bad the counterfeit ones would be!!!

  • @dertigerbauch
    @dertigerbauch 27 дней назад

    What a stupid guy

  • @SubscribeForPlusTenIQ
    @SubscribeForPlusTenIQ 28 дней назад

    If i went back in time before scientology and made a sci fi book about it would be about as popular as Harry Potter. It’s like worshipping dumbledore💀

  • @SubscribeForPlusTenIQ
    @SubscribeForPlusTenIQ 28 дней назад

    Kinda looks like a rick and Morty episode ngl💀

  • @cathleenrocco4804
    @cathleenrocco4804 Месяц назад

    I don't understand how he could go 48 days without his bowel rupturing. I wonder if the customs person misspoke.

  • @ibvest7123
    @ibvest7123 Месяц назад

    I have a Small banana. I'm 5,7 inch in length But the big problem is my girth 4,6 inch I like this video

  • @alexandraantonovich2412
    @alexandraantonovich2412 Месяц назад

    Learn the art of cunnilingus and I swear she'll love you. It's not "all" about the penis.

  • @gindginnest3336
    @gindginnest3336 Месяц назад


  • @BumFluffer1999
    @BumFluffer1999 Месяц назад

    Skeppy on some rns

  • @BumFluffer1999
    @BumFluffer1999 Месяц назад

    Looking like a Maya Jama starter pack

  • @Brinta3
    @Brinta3 Месяц назад

    Sam is very pretty and brave.

  • @311baca
    @311baca Месяц назад

    God gave Adam all dominion and control over all animals. I love this! We Christians will have control over all animals and unbelievers in the afterlife.

  • @iawy8264
    @iawy8264 Месяц назад

    Lying communists Still the same today

  • @johnalang
    @johnalang Месяц назад

    Ella Fitzgerald...the queen of Scat